Goshinjo Therapy > Actual Testimonials > Volume 10
Volume 10 Severe Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer
-Recovered from being told death was imminent with ascites, esophageal varix explosion and consciousness disturbance-
Cirrhosis is described as the terminal condition of liver disease because there is no radical treatment in modern medicine and it is irreversible. However, Goshinjo therapy has been effective for cirrhosis sufferers. Following, is a case of a severe cirrhosis sufferer with liver cancer that miraculously recovered with Goshinjo therapy after being told death was imminent. I would like Medical experts to pay attention to this amazing case along with the case of the ALS sufferer in Volume 9 of the testimonials.
Hematemesis made him confront his diagnosis of cirrhosis.
Takeshi Kondo (fictitious name, age 53) who works for a publishing company was diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis in early February, 2008 when he was 46 years old.
He was admitted to a hospital with hematemesis caused by the explosion of the esophageal varix. He avoided death by hemostasis with an endoscope but required two years to recover due to impairment of his liver function and excessive loss of blood. He was still suffering from fatigue and loss of appetite.
Takeshi's cirrhosis had progressed just as the doctor explained, 'Unfortunately cirrhosis is not curable.'
Cirrhosis is a condition when the liver is hardened and shrunk reducing the liver function due to scarring of the liver cells and increasing of the fibrous cells (scar tissues).
It is described as the final stage of chronic liver disease, however, just like Takeshi many people do not have symptoms and are diagnosed with cirrhosis suddenly.
This is because liver has a high reserve and people with a healthy liver function use less than half of their liver function capacity. The period without any symptoms can be lengthy because the reserve cells of the liver take the place of the scar liver cells of cirrhosis caused by alcoholic or viral hepatopathy such as hepatitis C, etc. This period is called the compensated stage.
As compensated cirrhosis progresses, the liver cells are scarred even more and the reserved liver cells cannot fulfill the required liver function. At this stage, you start to have various symptoms and complications. This is called decompensated cirrhosis which is irreversible and there is no known cure.
Decompensated cirrhosis causes symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, jaundice, gynecomastia and palmar erythema, and complications like liver failure and esophageal varix.
Liver failure drops the albumin in the blood causing leaking of fluid in the blood from blood vessels which causes fluid buildup in the abdomen (ascites). Deterioration of detoxification by the liver increases ammonia in the blood affecting brain functions causing disturbance of consciousness or delirium.
Reduction of blood flow through the liver causes esophageal varix which is a ballooning outward in the veins in the esophagus, and if this explodes it causes heavy bleeding and is life threatening.
When it progresses, the risk of liver cancer also increases.
Takeshi was having regular blood tests since he was diagnosed with cirrhosis in February 2008. Bilirubin to check jaundice remained high, albumin to check protein synthesizing function of the liver remained low and these figures gradually worsened. The platelet count also lowered as the disease progressed.
To check cirrhosis, AST (GOT), ALT (GPT), etc. to monitor the liver function, and bilirubin, albumin, cholinesterase, etc. to monitor the damage of the liver cells are required.
Takeshi had been treated with "Livact" for hypoalbuminemia and "Uruso" for improving the liver function, however, his symptoms of cirrhosis did not improve.
Then, a tumor a little less than 5mm was found in his upper left abdomen by a CT scan. The doctor suggested ongoing monitoring.
Takeshi refused radiowave therapy for his liver cancer.
'The tests in 2013 did not show any tumor in my upper left abdomen, however, they found a tumor of approximately 1cm in size in the center. The tumor marker for liver cancer (PIVKA-2) increased rapidly and the doctor recommended radiofrequency ablation (RFA) to remove it. Naturally, I refused it because the first tumor was no longer there and the second tumor was not confirmed as cancerous or primary cancer. There was no way I could put myself at risk of possible cancer dissemination and any other complications with RFA,' said Takeshi.
RFA is a treatment to kill the cancer with high temperature using high frequency radio waves by inserting electrode probes based on the characteristic that heat higher than 39°C kills cancer. However, there are some risks as Takeshi pointed out.
Whilst Takeshi tried to find other options, he was recommended to try Goshinjo therapy. The theories of Goshinjo therapy such as 'Substance of illnesses is Jaki (Evil life energy, excessive electromagnetic energy)', 'Jaki is expelled from hands and feet', and 'The symptoms improve by the same amount that Jaki is removed' written in the book 'Miracle Therapy' (written by Masayoshi Toyoda, published by Gento-sha) were convincing enough for Takeshi because he had been feeling something heavy accumulated in his feet whilst his cirrhosis had progressed.
Goshinjo therapy helped Takeshi's symptoms improve and his cancer disappeared.
Takeshi's blood tests at that time showed his cirrhosis was getting more severe with a lower liver function. The tumor marker for liver cancer (PIVKA-2) was also getting higher. (Refer to the data as of November 27, 2013 in the table below.) He had ascites of 4 to 5 liters. He also had symptoms of gynecomastia caused by the imbalance of a sex hormone and palmar erythema which makes the palms red. He did not have any appetite and struggled to eat half portion meals.
Takeshi's first visit to Kihodo was on December 14, 2013.
'The treatment was really painful. It was so painful, they could only place Goshinjo therapy implements on my body. However, I could still feel a lot of Jaki (Evil life energy) being expelled from my hands and feet with a tingling feeling,' said Takeshi.
After the first session Takeshi could eat well and had a good sleep for the first time in years.
He kept visiting Kihodo twice a week and his symptoms improved rapidly.
'After the 3rd session, I felt less fatigue and could sleep even better. My palmar erythema had disappeared. I now had appetite and I could flatten my belly which I could never do with ascites. After each session I could urinate a lot and I could see my belly had gotten smaller. After the 5th session I could put both hands inside the waste of my pants. On the 6th appointment, I was late and had to run from the station to Kihodo. It was amazing that I could actually run that distance which normally takes about 8 minutes to walk. After the treatment that day my breast suffering from gynecomastia got smaller. Because the improvement was literally visible my family was happy with my Kihodo visits.'
The blood test results also showed his improvement.
The platelet count and prothrombin which had been lower than normal for years changed to normal, and AST (GOT) and ALT (GPT) for liver function had also improved. (Refer to the data as of January 29, 2014 in the table below.) The doctor was surprised how well he looked.
The tumor marker to check for liver cancer had dropped dramatically from 72 as of November 27, 2013 before starting Goshinjo therapy to 47 on January 29, 2014 after starting Goshinjo therapy, and then to 17 which was normal as of May 27, 2014 and have maintained normal values since.
'Because the sessions of Goshinjo therapy had reduced the amount of Jaki (Evil life energy) in my body, I was able to handle stronger pressure with the Goshinjo therapy implements. However, when they were pressed towards the affected areas I felt heat deep inside my body. The heat felt extreme and I used to scream, "It's hot, it's hot, it's burning hot!" I felt the heat both on my skin and inside my flesh as if being burned by a soldering iron, and I felt like it was burning deep inside the areas where Goshinjo therapy implements were located. It made me feel like the heat was directly killing the cancer with the temperature over 39°C.' The doctor stopped checking the tumor marker. Takeshi's liver cancer had completely disappeared.
His drinking habit reversed his improvement and the doctor told his wife to prepare for the worst.
Takeshi's ascites had disappeared and he had been feeling well with two sessions of Goshinjo therapy weekly. However, he still had been drinking alcohol almost daily.
On April 12, 2014 he had the second esophageal varix explosion. He lost a lot of blood and consciousness, but he was saved by some first aid by applying pressure with a balloon inserted into the esophagus. During his admission to hospital for 3 weeks, he could not undergo any Goshinjo therapy and his ascites gradually started to increase. In late May he had a CT scan using contrast medium. Just after the scan, his kidney function lowered and his ascites increased. There is a condition called contrast nephropathy when kidney function failure is a side effect of using contrast medium.
Even with a diuretic he could urinate only 500ml per day. He had to take sick leave due to ascites. (Refer to Photo 1.)
Takeshi was admitted to a hospital specialized in ascites treatment and 11 liters of ascites were drained by Cell-free and Concentrated Ascites Reinfusion Therapy (CART) in mid-August and a further 8 liters were drained 12 days later. CART is a new technology which first removes the ascites and then collects nutrient composition such as albumin and lymphocytes from the ascites by filtering. The nutrient is then reinfused into the body. He felt weaker every time ascites was drained and the ascites accumulated again. He was sent to a general hospital to control the ascites, however the stronger diuretic did not increase his urine and a further 10 liters accumulated.
His lymphocyte LYMPH dropped to 2. Normal is 18 to 50% and if it drops to zero you need to be placed in a sterile room. The doctor could not identify the reasons for his LYMPH drop and his high temperature over 39°C. He was reluctant to have any further tests as he felt very weak and went home just after an endoscopy.
The doctor told his wife before leaving the hospital to prepare for the worst. Death was imminent.
After having Goshinjo therapy for 3 consecutive days, he urinated throughout the night and his ascites had disappeared.
The doctor's prognosis was reasonable, for Takeshi's ascites was out of control, his albumin was 1.9 and his cholinesterase was 30 (Refer to the data as of September 24, 2014). LDH which increases when liver cells are damaged was 338 (reference 119 to 229U/L) and lymphocyte LYMPH was 2.
However, despite the doctor's prognosis Takeshi started to recover dramatically after leaving the hospital.
I would like all the readers, especially the Medical experts, to read the following with serious consideration as to why Goshinjo therapy could help to recover an apparent irreversible decompensated cirrhosis. I believe this case is Medically meaningful.
After Takeshi returned home from hospital on September 27, he stopped taking antipyretic based on the ideas that antipyretic suppresses his own fighting ability towards a virus with a fever and his immunity may drop further.
By stopping the antipyretic he suffered from a fever of around 40°C for 3 days. After the fever went down, he visited Kihodo on September 30. During that night after Goshinjo therapy he urinated a lot, his ascites started to decrease and his fever went down.
Takeshi went back to Kihodo on October 8 and had Goshinjo therapy for 3 consecutive days. During these sessions he persevered the pain and the heat where the Goshinjo therapy implements were applied, especially around liver.
Throughout the night of October 10 he kept urinating and his ascites had almost disappeared by the following day.
In mid-October, he stopped taking diuretics as well based on some ideas that it collects fluid from all over his body and it did not work for him. He just kept visiting Kihodo at least 3 times a week.
The medical treatment at the hospital removed his ascites but soon after his ascites filled up again. However, just by being looked after with Goshinjo therapy Takeshi's ascites has stopped returning. (Refer to Photo 2 as of May 23, 2015.)
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Photo 1. July 31, 2014 The belly filled with ascites and became bloated. Diuretics were not effective. 11 liters on Aug. 13, 8 liters on Aug. 25 and 5 out of 10 liters on Sept. 16 were removed but it kept filling. | Photo 2. May 23, 2015 As the result of consecutive Goshinjo therapy sessions, the ascites had disappeared by urinating. Recovered liver function enables to maintain a stable condition. |
His amazing improvement in October 2014 was largely due to the increased visits to Kihodo from twice to more than three times a week and that he had stopped drinking.
When he went back to the specialized ascites treatment hospital, the doctor was shocked with Takeshi's appearance and his blood test results. Total bilirubin was normal, jaundice had disappeared and the liver function had returned to stable. (Refer to the data of February 4, 2015.)
Cannot be explained medically. The gene switch had turned ON?
After the second esophageal varix explosion, Takeshi's albumin dropped to 1.9 (the data as of September 24, 2014). This indicates that there are not many healthy liver cells left which create protein and it is understood medically that the albumin which once dropped so low would never go up. However, according to his latest data as of April 20, 2015, his albumin was normal, total bilirubin was normal and stable, and cholinesterase had increased. This indicates the healthy liver cells have multiplied and are performing well.
Takeshi's cirrhosis was almost cured based on the blood test results and holistic checking including his appearance.
There are many doctors that visit Kihodo for Goshinjo therapy and they all say they have never heard of a late-stage cirrhosis recovering. Among medical experts, the decompensated cirrhosis is considered irreversible and with no cure.
At Kihodo, however, Takeshi is not the only case that a late-stage cirrhosis has made a recovery.
'Some years ago, a person of a late-stage cirrhosis with ascites, jaundice and delirium came to Kihodo for Goshinjo therapy. His consciousness disturbance was more severe than Takeshi's, however, with Goshinjo therapy twice a week his blood test results returned to normal, he had recovered quickly and returned to work,' said Master Kida.
This means that Takeshi's case is not something that has happened by chance, but that Goshinjo therapy has reproducibility towards the improvement of cirrhosis.
Master Kida explains why Goshinjo therapy has been so effective to irreversible cirrhosis. 'There has been many cases that Goshinjo therapy helps to improve the function of normal liver cells. For severe cases such as Takeshi's, increasing the frequency of undergoing Goshinjo therapy is important. However, just improving the function of the remaining normal liver cells cannot normalize the function of the liver cells of a late-stage cirrhosis sufferer and help cure the cirrhosis itself. Cirrhosis is a condition when many normal cells have perished, fibrocytes multiply and the liver is hardened like a stone. The liver function is not normalized unless normal liver cells increase. I believe that the fibrous cells are induced to apoptosis (natural death), the gene to create the normal cells is switched on and the normal liver cells are regenerated by Goshinjo therapy. Modern medicine does not accept the theory that the switch of gene can be turned on artificially, however, this is the only way to explain that Goshinjo therapy makes it possible with its life energy and its quality of life energy.'
Master Kida says, 'A new theory from the view of the gene is required to better explain cases such as Takeshi's.'
Master Kida's hypothesis is not set up just based on cirrhosis cases. At Kihodo there are various cases which can be explained only with the hypothesis of the regeneration of cells such as a case that a young boy had his eyesight restored, another of a boy with no hearing ability regained his hearing, another case that a cancerous bone was replaced with regenerated bone, and a case that a boy with severe memory disturbance for 27 years had remarkably improved.
The more severe the symptoms are with a lot of accumulated Jaki (Evil life energy, excessive electromagnetic energy), the more Goshinjo therapy is effective.
Master Kida says, 'I have been experiencing a lot of phenomena with regeneration of cells which cannot be explained Medically or Scientifically throughout my daily practice of Goshinjo therapy for incurable diseases. That is why Ph.D.Gen Matsumoto of RIKEN clearly said, "Japan should analyze Goshinjo therapy. By doing so it will change the paradigm of Science".'
'I would like to make the most of my life.'
I met Takeshi after his Goshinjo therapy session on April 30, 2015.
'I think that you can understand how effective Goshinjo therapy is only if you experience it. It is amazing, especially the life energy you get from Master Kida is unbelievable. When he places his palm over my liver, I feel pressure from it even if it does not touch my body. I feel Jaki (Evil life energy, excessive electromagnetic energy) is expelled through my hands and feet. I am so grateful that I am here and alive right now. It is miraculous and it is all due to Goshinjo therapy. My wife and all my children are grateful,' said Takeshi.
Takeshi self-administers Goshinjo therapy at home as well. His weight which had dropped to 46kg at the end of September 2014 when the doctor told him of the worst scenario has now increased to 54kg. He looks healthy and it is hard to believe that he was very close to dying from cirrhosis.
'I almost gave up at the beginning of October 2014. My ascites could not be controlled, I could not eat, and I lost my ability to think… I put my family through tough times. Now my life is saved miraculously from incurable cirrhosis. I can recall that every experience throughout this journey was necessary for me. I am so grateful to every person involved with it.
I believe my life now has a purpose. I do not know how but I hope I can do something helpful for cirrhosis sufferers and society.'
Takeshi returned to work in mid-May 2015. Not drinking. He will find out how to make most of his life.
May 23, 2015
Masako Kubota
English translation R & A Grosso