Goshinjo Therapy > Actual Testimonials > Volume 1
Volume 1 Higher Brain Dysfunction
-Remarkable and effective for memory disturbance and reduction of epileptic seizures suffered for 27 years.
'Higher brain dysfunction' refers to situations restricted to daily and social life activities due to the dysfunction of the higher and complex brain functions such as speech and memory because of partial brain damage caused by illnesses, traffic accidents, etc. It is estimated that there are approximately 300,000 people suffering from higher brain dysfunction all over Japan. Recovery by rehabilitation is limited and varied depending on the individual, and generally the longer the history of the illness/injury the more difficult the road is to recovery. However, Goshinjo therapy has been remarkably effective for long term sufferers of higher brain dysfunction.
May 2013, Ph. D. in Medicine Keiji Hashimoto of Hashimoto Cognitive Research Institute and Master Kisho Kida of Japan Kihodo Association published the thesis 'Is Goshinjo therapy effective in cognitive impairment after severe traumatic brain injury?' in the international medical journal called Neural Regeneration Research (NRR). Dr. Hashimoto says, 'Amazing effects of Goshinjo therapy which treats illnesses with Qi cannot be medically explained. It is note-worthy that the thesis was accepted by an international medical journal and released to the world.'
The case of the higher brain dysfunction in this issue is different from the case in NRR. The patient had been suffering from epileptic seizures for 27 years and with severe memory disturbance which made it difficult for him to remember anything learnt recently and or events from the previous day, etc. However, a few sessions of Goshinjo therapy made his epileptic seizures lighter and his memory functions improve dramatically. After three months from the first Goshinjo therapy session, I heard from a patient and his mother, 'At last we came across a therapy which is really effective after 27 years and we feel hopeful about the future for the first time.'
Diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 9 and the operation didn't stop the seizures.
Mr. Nobuaki Terada (fictitious name, age 36) from Tokyo experienced his first epileptic seizure at the age of 9. He had been healthy with no experience of febrile convulsion but with the first episode, his eyes rolled upwards, short of breath, and shaking of his limbs. This made his mother Hisako (fictitious name, age 64) rush him to the municipal hospital.
Brain tests at the hospital revealed a brain tumor. For his age, the tumor was large and it was removed by taking off and reinstalling the back of his skull. The doctor explained, 'Generally, tumors cannot be removed completely and he still has a little of the tumor left.' After the operation he still continued to suffer from epileptic seizures, even though he was taking a variety of medications and spending 3 months in hospital.
When he turned 12 years old, further investigations were performed at the hospital. He stopped taking his medications for a week, electrodes were inserted through holes put in his skull and brain waves were recorded under the conditions which seizures may tend to occur. The result revealed that the starting point of the seizures was the remaining (unremoved) tumor, and had the remaining portion of the tumor removed with another operation.
Two tumor removal operations for the 12-year old, the complete removal of the tumor saved his life. Hisako says, 'I am grateful to the hospital.' However, his epileptic seizures still didn't stop. His situation required 24/7 care inside and outside of the home for a number of years so that he would not be end up in a terrible accident.
Hisako's biggest wish was the prevention of the epileptic seizures to improve his quality of life. She could tolerate the higher brain dysfunction such as memory and attention disturbances caused by the brain tumor removal operation.
He had a vagal nerve stimulation at the age of 19.
Vagal nerve stimulation tries to control epileptic seizures by stimulating the vagal nerve in the neck region with a wire internally extended from the 8x5cm electrical stimulation generator implanted in his chest. However, no changes in the seizures occurred. Nobuaki recalls, 'I sometimes felt being choked when the current was applied. I was hopeful with the new treatment, however, it didn't work for me.' After 3 years the battery in the device failed, so he stopped this treatment and had the device in his chest removed.
None of the treatments worked well for the epileptic seizures. Some were effective for a short while and then stopped working. Nobuaki repeatedly spent months at a time in hospital to adjust medications without any improvement up until he turned 20 years of age.
Multiple subpial transection reduced his seizures, but now he suffers from depression.
Nobuaki had multiple subpial transection (MST) at the age of 25.
MST is an operation that by slicing the cerebral cortex at 5mm intervals, thus preventing the seizure waves from travelling to the entire brain. Although it leaves some fine bleeding stripe lines, the cuts are only 4mm deep and carefully done so that the blood vessels on the brain surface are not damaged and will not leave sequela, they were told by the doctors.
Three days after the operation, Nobuaki's face got swollen and he could hardly open his eyes. This was caused by pus from an infection inside his skull. After another operation to solve this infection by removing a portion of his skull, he had to wear a special helmet for 6 months whilst a specially made ceramic skull patch had to be made for him. At the age of 26, he had the ceramic skull installed. After MST, he still had the seizures just as before, however, the severity improved and his incontinence during the seizures has stopped.
However, the improvement in the seizures by MST caused Nobuaki other serious issues.
'After a while, his seizures were almost gone, but he gradually became depressed, weak and paranoid. He started to harm himself by banging his head into walls. Nobuaki said, "It's not me, a radio wave comes from somewhere and moves my body." He would hardly sleep at night and we all were exhausted,' said Hisako.
Depression, paranoia and self-harm took place instead of the epileptic seizures. He was admitted to hospital at the age of 29 to see if some improvement could be made. This was another beginning of many medications for the epileptic seizures together with different types of antidepressants.
'He was discharged after the medications stopped the paranoia. When the paranoia was gone, the epileptic seizures returned as often as 20times/month,' Hisako said.
Lead by Akihiro Miwa.
The Terada's had also tried various alternative therapies like Oriental medicine including acupuncture or Chinese medicine for a long time as they couldn't find any improvement in Nobuaki's seizures. They even tried incantation. However, nothing worked and they gave up trying.
In November of 2011, Nobuaki turned 34 and was hospitalized again for medication checks. A 24hour-monitoring test was conducted under the condition that episodes can occur anytime without medication. His parents attended and watched him, turning on the video camera every time an episode occurred and called the doctor, this was continued for one week. When he started medicating with 'E Keppra' which was recently approved in Japan, the frequency of the episodes reduced to 5 or 6 times per month.
'From past experiences, I was not optimistic even after seeing the improvement from E Keppra because just after other new prescriptions they had only worked until the body got used to them, reverting to the old situation,' said Hisako.
He had another higher brain dysfunction test during this hospitalization and was diagnosed as 'attention disturbance', 'memory disturbance' and 'execution disturbance' from a total of more than 30 symptoms such as 'cannot remember directions', 'cannot concentrate', 'lots of mistakes', 'inconsistency of speech' and 'cannot understand 100% of what people say'. Hisako was told that such disturbances would not get better. She didn't expect them to improve with any seizure improvement.
One day, Hisako happened to come across Goshinjo therapy.
'I have been a big fan of Akihiro Miwa (a celebrity), for a long time. When I was searching for a certain book about him written by the non-fiction writer Masayoshi Toyoda on the net, a new book 'Miracle Therapy' written by the same author stood out. When I read this book, I felt skeptical about this therapy of stroking with gold probes. However, I had some faith in the author and as there was a case in the book that had improved epilepsy on a patient, I thought that I would give it a try.' (Hisako)
Goshinjo therapy driven by her favorite celebrity Akihiro Miwa. She had previously given up on alternative therapies, but Hisako took Nobuaki to Kihodo on April 11, 2013 for the first time with some hope.
Shocked with the unexpected positive effects of Goshinjo therapy
Following, are the records of Nobuaki's improvement by Goshinjo therapy based on Nobuaki and Hisako's comments and notes.
April 11, 2013. The first session.
'The treatment was very painful all over my body. I remember that,' said Nobuaki.
'With Master Kida's kindness, I was allowed to borrow Goshinjo implements and learnt how to apply the implements on Nobuaki. I tried really hard to stroke and push all over his body. As I didn't know anything about Qi at that time, it must have been painful,' Hisako recalls.
Nobuaki's treatment at Kihodo was applied by Hisako at first and then finished off by Master Kida just like a typical Kihodo child treatment. The reasons why the treatment was painful must have been not only because Hisako was not accustomed to doing this but also due to the excessive amount of Jaki (Evil life energy) Nobuaki carried in his head and back.
April 16. The third session.
Hisako noted, 'Since the first session on 11th, the spasms during seizures had all but gone. Up until then, during a seizure his eyes rolled up and had spasms with shaking limbs. Since the visit to Kihodo, the seizures had changed to more moderate ones.' As Hisako was convinced with the effectiveness, she bought Goshinjo implements and started treating Nobuaki every day at home in addition to his treatment at Kihodo.
April 24. The fifth session
'These days, when I notice the beginning of a seizure, it doesn't seem to get worse and then stops,' Hisako recorded.
Nobuaki himself says, 'So far, I didn't realize that I was having a seizure, but since visiting Kihodo, I have been able to recognize the onset of a seizure.' He also recognizes that the seizure itself has weakened, 'Yes, I can tell. I don't remember anything that occurs during the seizure, but after the seizure, I can tell that "A memory lapse has occurred. I think to myself maybe I just had a seizure."'
About this time Hisako started to feel tingling with her hand when treating him and she started to expel Qi by herself. She can tell how much Jaki (Evil life energy) is there when she locates the Goshinjo implements on Nobuaki's body.
'I didn't know Qi at all. It's really mysterious that I can now expel Qi and understand Jaki (Evil life energy) as well.' (Hisako)
For 27 years since the first epilepsy episode, we have experienced some temporary improvement just after the operations or the change of medications. We have never experienced this much improvement without side effects. This is a miraculous improvement. The Terada's are also amazed with the rapid improvement of his brain function.
Memory improved. Nobuaki could visit Kihodo by himself!
May 9. The 8th session.
After the concentrated treatment on Nobuaki's deep eye areas by Master Kida, Nobuaki was quizzed with simple mathematical problems to see how his brain was functioning. His answers were perfect.
Nobuaki's intelligence was normal until he was 9 years old, but after the operation to the brain tumor, he turned to a higher brain dysfunction sufferer. His concentration and memory functions had weakened and he could not calculate simple mathematical problems as mentioned above.
After the treatment, Nobuaki lead his mother from Kihodo to Yoyogi-uehara station without getting lost. On May 15, he could travel from the station to Kihodo for the 9th session. Hisako was surprised that he remembered the way after one week.
May 22. The 10th session.
Hisako's note reads as follows.
'After one week since the last session, Nobuaki went to Kihodo without getting lost. It's unbelievable because he was never good at remembering new things. I'm so thankful. I almost gave up with the improvement of his brain dysfunction as neither of the previous treatments at the hospitals or any of the alternative therapies worked for him. Kihodo gave us hope. I think Goshinjo therapy is really a 'miracle therapy'.
May 25. The 11th session.
'Nobuaki immediately answered "Wednesday" to the Master Kida's question of when his last visit was. I'm so surprised. Nobuaki's memory has improved again,' Hisako noted.
June 1. The 13th session.
'Nobuaki used to spend most of his time in his room up until his Kihodo visits. These days he spends long length of time with us in the living room,' Hisako noted.
June 8. The 14th session.
'Nobuaki remembered the way to Kihodo after one week had past. Now he can remember previous things and future plans clearly without mistakes,' noted Hisako.
Last year a test at the hospital showed 'he could not remember plans', and he was unable to do that for the previous 27 years. 'I was not good at learning new things, but Goshinjo therapy helped me remember directions and plans,' Nobuaki himself explained.
On June 12, the 15th session, Hisako noted, 'Nobuaki had to write down the plans from the previous week, but now he remembers the plans for forward events up to 2 weeks. Recently his facial expression has changed and shows more smiles.'
Nobuaki's daily improvements after Goshinjo therapy have kept surprising Hisako.
July 3. The 19th session.
'Nobuaki answered "meat" immediately to Master Kida's question of what he ate last night,' noted Hisako.
Nobuaki used to take a lengthy time before speaking for 27 years in addition to his memory dysfunction. His ability to remember what he ate and his ability to answer immediately are now part of his improvements.
Finally on July 6, the 20th session.
Nobuaki not only visited Kihodo by himself for the first time but he also managed to go home alone.
'I thought it would be nice to go by myself and give my mother a break. I had a light seizure at Kihodo but I was OK because Master Kida was there. I didn't have any seizures going or coming. I hope I can go to Kihodo by myself all the time,' said Nobuaki.
Hisako noted the following in her record of July 12.
'It's really unthinkable. As he was never good at remembering and also because of the worry of having a seizure, for 27 years he could never go out alone outside Koto-ku. It's a miracle that he went to a place spending one hour to travel using different trains all by himself and managed to return. I'm so moved and grateful. He quickly answered "Saturday" to Master Kida's question of when he came by himself. Improvement of his memory has accelerated.'
It is amazing for Nobuaki who used to spend a long time in his room to think about visiting Kihodo by himself. I hear while covering the events at Kihodo that many patients say 'Goshinjo therapy makes me energetic.' Nobuaki's story explains that eliminating Jaki (Evil life energy) from his brain makes the brain function work better and improves the state of mind.
'I also would like to encourage someone.'
Nobuaki works at a welfare workshop every day and he visits Kihodo for treatment once a week on his days off. Hisako also treats him for 30 to 60 minutes every night. Hisako's treatment skills seem to have improved with her own Qi being expelled. 'Mum's treatment used to be painful, but now it is not and I feel good afterwards.' He also applies Goshinjo therapy to himself because he really aspires to continue to improve.
He understood what I said perfectly. It's hard to believe that he was diagnosed 'he could not do that' at the hospital last year. 'I had lots of difficulties understanding what people were saying, but now, due to Goshinjo therapy I can understand everything,' Nobuaki is saying.
I heard that Hisako was also encouraged with the thesis 'Is Goshinjo therapy effective in cognitive impairment after severe traumatic brain injury?' released in the NRR by Ph.D.M. Keiji Hashimoto and Master Kida.
The young man in the case study suffered from a much more severe higher brain dysfunction and still visits Kihodo every day for treatment and continues to show incredible improvement.
Hisako says, 'I took Nobuaki to Kihodo just for epilepsy, so I used to think his memory improvement was something extra at first. However, the improvement was dramatic in only a short period of time. He turned bright, positive, motivated and with enough courage that he could go out alone. I see the said young man at Kihodo. As he is bright and speaks openheartedly, I never thought his situation was worse than that of my son. Goshinjo therapy is truly effective in treating higher brain dysfunction.'
Goshinjo therapy is now 'the only reliable therapy' for Hisako.
'Now Nobuaki is conquering his other symptoms of brain dysfunction one by one. I was ready to look after him wherever he would go even after I'm 80 years old. The fact that he can go out by himself has completely changed our future vision. So, Goshinjo therapy is like a well of hope and also the support of our minds. I believe Nobuaki will be even better just like the said young man,' Hisako said.
Nobuaki continued, 'I hope my memory will get better. Then, I will have more things I can do. I would like to be better with Goshinjo therapy and be able to encourage others like me.'
When I thanked Nobuaki and his mother for the long interview which would have been exhausting for Nobuaki, sitting with a good posture, I was asked by Nobuaki, 'Please write about my case and let people like me know about Goshinjo therapy.' Hisako who supplied the information of all the prescriptions and test results from the hospitals also said, 'I hope my son's case which has miraculously improved by Goshinjo therapy will help other people with higher brain dysfunction.'
Why brain function gets better.
According to Ph.D.M. Keiji Hashimoto one of the major symptoms of higher brain dysfunction is that motivation is lacking. Nobuaki's attitude, the proper posture, looking straight forward and speaks in a positive manner, is not that of a person suffering from higher brain dysfunction any longer. I'm convinced that Nobuaki's brain will keep improving if he continues Goshinjo therapy as his brain already has improved motivation due to Goshinjo therapy.
Higher brain dysfunction is caused by partial brain damage and they say that they cannot recover the damaged portion of the brain. Then, why does it get better by Goshinjo therapy? Master Kida explains as follows.
'Goshinjo therapy eliminates Jaki (Evil life energy) accumulated in brain and improves the Qi flow, then life energy field is corrected, resulting in correct and rapid life phenomena (electrical phenomenon and chemical phenomenon) in brain cells, which means improvement of brain function. Then, Qi pulls the trigger to turn on DNA for new construction of brain nerves, I think.'
Ph.D. Physics Gen Matsumoto (1940-2003), the former Group Director, Brain Science Institute in RIKEN had studied Goshinjo therapy as his life work.
It's not worth asking him about the hypothesis above by Master Kida, because when I asked his opinion about Master Kida's hypothesis before, he asserted, 'Master Kida can say whatever he thinks as he has the outcome and curing results by Goshinjo therapy. We, the scientists, are to prove if Master Kida's hypothesis is correct.'
Ph.D.P. Matsumoto wrote as follows in his report 'Goshinjo therapy and Qi flow -why Goshinjo therapy improves various illnesses-' for the book 'Goshinjo The Super Therapy' (written by Kisho Kida, published by Fusosha).
'Goshinjo therapy will be one of the major pillars which will develop as a new science on life and survival. The reason why the treatment process of Goshinjo therapy is not easily understood by conventional medicine is also because the healing processes are not proven scientifically.
The conventional science is mainly based on the natural philosophy of a closed system. Therefore, the medicinal philosophy based on that scientific view develops the theory of life mechanism but not the natural healing power that a human being (one of living creatures) is capable of. However, I believe that the new science with the open system will make it better understood that if a living creature maintains the flow of information with material/energy, a life will be maintained by its own mechanism. Now we are facing a turning point which can have a paradigm shift to the new science. The study to understand Goshinjo therapy scientifically is expected to be a breakthrough for this. A new innovative medicine can be created only when the new scientific theory is created at the same time.
As a Japanese person, I am extremely proud that Goshinjo therapy was developed by Master Kisho Kida, and I believe that Japan as a country should analyze this therapy scientifically for further improvement and make it available worldwide for other nations to improve the welfare of their people.'
I'm sure that if Ph.D.P. Matsumoto, the international brain scientist, was alive, he would have been pleased with the amazing cases of higher brain dysfunction improvements by Goshinjo therapy, as I believe that analyzing Goshinjo therapy scientifically will bring a 'breakthrough to the new science' Ph.D.P. Matsumoto said and will also lead to solve 'mystery of brain' and 'correlation between brain and mind' which are both called 'unknown fields' which were Ph.D.P. Matsumoto's specialized fields.
August 10, 2013
Masako Kubota
English translation R & A Grosso