Goshinjo therapy implements are uniquely manufactured of pure gold and carry the Japanese Finance Ministry inspection stamp of 1000 with the Japanese flag as certification.
Therapies which use pure gold implements have been around for centuries and have also been introduced within Oriental medicine. However, most Oriental medical therapists don't use them any more as they were deemed to be not so effective. This shows that just because pure gold is used it doesn't necessarily deliver high curing effects.
Goshinjo therapy doesn't rely on pure gold to cure illnesses but is based on the theory that 'Every illness is caused by Jaki*. Therefore, eliminating Jaki* cures illnesses'. How Goshinjo is applied and administered is also important in the elimination of Jaki*.
Therefore, Kihodo doesn't sell Goshinjo implements to persons only interested in buying them. Persons wishing to purchase Goshinjo implements need to experience Goshinjo therapy for themselves and wish to undertake Goshinjo application learning and training.
Goshinjo therapy is completely different from therapies which have used pure gold in the past. It is the first therapy in history using life energy. This has been proven by the successful high-level curing results.
*Jaki:Evil life energy which causes illnesses.
Detected and recognized as excessive electromagnetic energy by Goshinjo therapy.
Refer to 'Jaki and Natural Self-Healing Ability' and 'Finding and Eliminating Jaki' for more information.
Goshinjo Therapy
For severe pain, allergies, cancers, electromagnetic hypersensitivity and other incurable diseases
Although there are many clinics where Goshinjo therapy is administered throughout Japan, the results of the treatment will vary considerably depending on the skill level and experience the therapist has gained.
Therefore, you should only seek a highly trained and skilled therapist. For your nearest recommended therapist please contact Kihodo Head Office.